Taxonomic Information
Arasada Moore, [1885] species known from the Indian subcontinent.
Arasada albicosta (Hampson, 1894) (Oruza). NE Himalaya.
Arasada fasciosa (Moore, 1888). Sikkim.
Arasada ornata (Wileman, 1911). Arunachal Pradesh.
Arasada pyraliformis Moore, [1885]. India; Sri Lanka (TL).
Photo Gallery and Species Biology
State | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | No date |
Andaman and Nicobar Islands | |||||||||||||
Andhra Pradesh | |||||||||||||
Arunachal Pradesh | 1 | 1 | |||||||||||
Assam | |||||||||||||
Bihar | |||||||||||||
Chandigarh | |||||||||||||
Chhattisgarh | |||||||||||||
Dadra & Nagar Haveli | |||||||||||||
Daman & Diu | |||||||||||||
Delhi | |||||||||||||
Goa | |||||||||||||
Gujarat | |||||||||||||
Haryana | |||||||||||||
Himachal Pradesh | |||||||||||||
Jammu and Kashmir | |||||||||||||
Jharkhand | |||||||||||||
Karnataka | 1 | ||||||||||||
Kerala | |||||||||||||
Lakshadweep | |||||||||||||
Madhya Pradesh | |||||||||||||
Maharashtra | |||||||||||||
Manipur | |||||||||||||
Meghalaya | |||||||||||||
Mizoram | |||||||||||||
Nagaland | |||||||||||||
Odisha | |||||||||||||
Paschimbanga | |||||||||||||
Pondicherry | |||||||||||||
Punjab | |||||||||||||
Rajasthan | |||||||||||||
Sikkim | |||||||||||||
Tamil Nadu | |||||||||||||
Tripura | |||||||||||||
Uttar Pradesh | |||||||||||||
Uttarakhand | |||||||||||||
West Bengal | |||||||||||||
Total | 1 | 1 | 1 |
- OD: Arasada pyraliformis Moore, [1885]. Lepidoptera of Ceylon,Vol 3, pg. 189 & Pl. 172, fig 1. Text at https://archive.org/details/lepidopteraofcey03moor/page/189/mode/1up?view=theater
- Hampson, G. F. 1910. Catalogue of Noctuidae in the British Museum, 10:255, #5386. Text at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/61179#page/281/mode/1up
- Seitz, A. (Ed.). Macrolepidoptera of the World, Vol 11: 249.
- Kononenko, V. S. & A. Pinratana. 2013. Moths of Thailand, Volume 3: Noctuoidea Part 2: Addendum to Vol. 3, Part 1, Families Erebidae, Nolidae, Euteliidae, Noctuidae and Checklist. Brothers of St. Gabriel in Thailand, Bangkok. 625 pp. + 55 pls. Pl 9, fig 54.
- https://twmoth.tesri.gov.tw/peo/MothInfo/V20-20161106-021
- http://dearlep.tw/species.html?namecode=429844
Page citation
Anonymous 2025. Arasada pyraliformis Moore, [1885] – . In Sondhi, S., Y. Sondhi, R.P. Singh, P. Roy and K. Kunte (Chief Editors). Butterflies of India, v. 3.82. Published by the Indian Foundation for Butterflies. URL: https://www.mothsofindia.org/arasada-pyraliformis, accessed 2025/02/15.