List of Contributors

The Moths of India is a large consortium of amateur and professional naturalists and research scientists. The data on this website are contributed by hundreds of contributors, whose moth images and other contributions to this national moth database should be acknowledged, if not celebrated. If you are using any substantial data from this website, please add "The Moths of India Consortium" as an author and give a link to this page, where all contributors are listed. Contributors are listed below in alphabetical order of the last name.

Please email Sanjay Sondhi with your details if you have contributed images to this website but are not listed below, or if some of your details are missing. If you would like us to list your email address and phone number here, then we will need specific permission from you to do so. Please email us about this, giving these specific permissions.

Page citation

Anonymous 2025. List of Contributors . In Sondhi, S., Y. Sondhi, R.P. Singh, P. Roy and K. Kunte (Chief Editors). Butterflies of India, v. 3.82. Indian Foundation for Butterflies.