Taxonomic Information
Alcis Curtis, 1826 species known from India.
Alcis admissaria (Guenée, [1858]). North India.
Alcis albifera (Moore, 1888. India: West Bengal (Darjeeling).
Alcis albilnea Sato, 1993. India: West Bengal (Darjeeling).
Alcis arisema Prout, 1934. India: Arunachal Pradesh (Tawang, Tale WLS).
Alcis athola (Prout, 1926). India: West Bengal (Darjeeling).
Alcis decussata (Moore, 1868). India: West Bengal (Darjeeling).
Alcis granitaria (Moore, 1888).India: Kashmir (Sind valley, Chamba).
Alcis holophaearia (Hampson, 1907). India: Kashmir (Dana), Punjab
Alcis imbecilis (Moore, 1888). India: West Bengal (Darjeeling).
Alcis iterata Butler, 1886. NW India.
Alcis latifasciata (Warren, 1893). India: Sikkim.
Alcis maculata (Moore, 1868).India: Bengal.
Alcis macroclarata Sato, 1993. India: Bengal.
Alcis megaspilaria (Moore, 1867). India.
Alcis nigralbata Warren, 1893. India: Sikkim.
Alcis nigridorsaria (Guenée, 1858). India.
Alcis nilgirica Hampson, 1891. India: Nilgiris.
Alcis orbifer Warren, 1896. India: Meghalaya (Khasi Hills).
Alcis perspicuata perspicuata (Moore, 1868). India: Bengal.
Alcis perspicuata vicana Moore, 1888. India: West Bengal (Darjeeling).
Alcis pleniferata (Walker, [1863]). Bhutan.
Alcis prosoica (Wehrli, 1943). India:Himalayas.
Alcis periphracta (Prout, 1926). India: Arunachal Pradesh, West Bengal.
Alcis quadrifera (Walker, 1866). India: North India.
Alcis rufomagrinata (Moore, [1868]). India: Bengal.
Alcis semialba (Moore, 1888). India: West Bengal (Darjeeling), Meghalaya (Khasi Hills).
Alcis semiclarata (Walker, 1862). India: Sikkim, West Himalaya.
Alcis stictineura (Hampson, 1907).India: Kashmir (Rala, Koksar).
Alcis sublimis Butler, 1889. India: Himachal Pradesh (Kangra district, Dharamsala).
Alcis subnitida Warren, 1893. India: Sikkim (Tonglo), West Bengal (Darjeeling).
Alcis subolivacea (Hampson, 1907). India: Kashmir (Rala, Koksar).
Alcis subrufaria Warren, 1893. India: Sikkim.
Alcis tenera Warren, 1893.India: Sikkim.
Alcis trikotaria (Felder & Rogenhofer, 1875).India: Himalayas.
Alcis variegata (Moore, 1888). India: West Bengal (Darjeeling), Uttarakhand.
Alcis variegata nebulosa (Swinhoe, 1891)
Alcis venustularia (Walker, 1866). North India.
Alcis vialis (Moore, 1888)is now treated as Harutalcis vialis (Moore, 1888).
Alcis atrostipata (Walker, 1862) is now treated as Harutalcis atrostipata (Walker, 1862).
Photo Gallery and Species Biology
State | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | No date |
Andaman and Nicobar Islands | |||||||||||||
Andhra Pradesh | |||||||||||||
Arunachal Pradesh | 2 | ||||||||||||
Assam | |||||||||||||
Bihar | |||||||||||||
Chandigarh | |||||||||||||
Chhattisgarh | |||||||||||||
Dadra & Nagar Haveli | |||||||||||||
Daman & Diu | |||||||||||||
Delhi | |||||||||||||
Goa | |||||||||||||
Gujarat | |||||||||||||
Haryana | |||||||||||||
Himachal Pradesh | |||||||||||||
Jammu and Kashmir | |||||||||||||
Jharkhand | |||||||||||||
Karnataka | |||||||||||||
Kerala | |||||||||||||
Lakshadweep | |||||||||||||
Madhya Pradesh | |||||||||||||
Maharashtra | |||||||||||||
Manipur | |||||||||||||
Meghalaya | |||||||||||||
Mizoram | |||||||||||||
Nagaland | |||||||||||||
Odisha | |||||||||||||
Paschimbanga | |||||||||||||
Pondicherry | |||||||||||||
Punjab | |||||||||||||
Rajasthan | |||||||||||||
Sikkim | |||||||||||||
Tamil Nadu | |||||||||||||
Tripura | |||||||||||||
Uttar Pradesh | |||||||||||||
Uttarakhand | |||||||||||||
West Bengal | |||||||||||||
Total | 2 |
- Alcis arisema Prout, 1934. Nov. Zool. 39. Pg. 118. TL: W. China. Text at https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/53891#page/164/mode/1up.
- Haruta, T. (Ed.). 1994. Moths of Nepal. Part 3. TINEA. Vol. 14 (Supplement 1). The Japan Heterocerists’ Society, Tokyo.Pl. 74/3.
- Chandra, K. and Sambath, S., 2013. Moth diversity of Tawang District, Arunachal Pradesh, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa, 5(1), pp.3565-3570. Image. 15.
- Sondhi, S. Karmakar, T., Sondhi, Y. & K. Kunte. 2021. Moths of Tale Wildlife Sanctuary, Arunachal Pradesh, India with seventeen additions to the moth fauna of India (Lepidoptera: Heterocera). Tropical Lepidoptera Research 31(Supplement 2): 1-53. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5062572.pg. 11, Image 280.
- Sondhi, S. 2024. Moths of India - A Field Guide. Published by Titli Trust, India, xii+280 pp. Pl. 23/23.
Page citation
Anonymous 2025. Alcis arisema Prout, 1934 – . In Sondhi, S., Y. Sondhi, R.P. Singh, P. Roy and K. Kunte (Chief Editors). Butterflies of India, v. 3.82. Published by the Indian Foundation for Butterflies. URL: https://www.mothsofindia.org/alcis-arisema, accessed 2025/02/19.